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Tag Archives: rhythm
After the Exam
Piano Examinations: After the Exam I am not usually at the examination centre when my pupil comes out of the exam room, so I have to wait until the next lesson to find out how he felt about the experience. … Continue reading
Tagged certificates, credits, crescendo, diminuendo, distinction, dynamics, exam candidates, exam complaints, exam failure, exam marking sheets, exam nerves, merit, music examiners, musical shaping, pass, QCF level, qualifications, rewards, rhythm, tempo, UCAs points
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Piano Examinations: Pieces (See also Lesson Format: Current Piece and New and Old Pieces) Once the scales are in progress, it’s time to start my pupil working on his first exam piece. The examination board I use – the ABRSM … Continue reading
Tagged accents, articulation, chords, circle the note, correct notes, dynamics, exam books, fingering, flats, jazz, legato, mistakes, ornaments, pedalling, performance, phrasing, pianist, piano lesson, pieces, practice, pulse, rhythm, sharps, staccato, tempo
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4) New and Old Pieces
Piano Lesson Format 4: New and Old Pieces Depending what stage the ‘piece in progress’ is at, I might also give the pupil a new piece to work on. New Piece With the John W. Schaum series of books, this … Continue reading
Tagged articulation, dynamics, fingering, key signatures, new piece, notes, old piece, pedalling, phrasing, play slowly, practice habits, rhythm, separate hands, staccato, time signature
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3) Current Piece
Piano Lesson Format 3: Current Piece After scales, the next part of my lesson is taken up with the pupil’s most recently-learned piece – his ‘work in progress’. This will generally have been acquired in stages – depending on the … Continue reading
Tagged circle a note, counting beats, dynamics, finger numbers, pedalling, phrasing, play slowly, praise, rhythm
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2) Scales
Piano Lesson Format 2: Scales After the ‘chat’ and the discussion about the week’s practice, the next part of the lesson is taken up with scales (for the learners who have reached that stage). I generally introduce the first scale … Continue reading
Tagged accuracy, arpeggios, broken chords, fingering, key signatures, keys, major scales, minor scales, practice, rewards, rhythm, stickers
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