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Tag Archives: Italian terms
Grade 5 Music Theory
Grade 5 Music Theory Below is the ‘information sheet’ which I give to pupils when we have covered all aspects of grade 5 theory. The subjects are listed under ‘Question 1’, ‘Question 2’ ‘… 3’ etc. as a means of … Continue reading
Tagged alto clef, cadences, chords, grade 5 theory, instruments, Italian terms, key signatures, melodic intervals, melody-writing, ornaments, phrasing, scales, tenor clef, theory, time signature, transposition
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Piano Examinations: Aural To prepare pupils for the aural part of their piano examinations, you should invest in some ABRSM Specimen Aural Tests books for each grade. These can also be purchased with CDs included which is particularly helpful if … Continue reading
Tagged aural, aural test, clap in time, confidence, count the beats, Italian terms, music aural, pitch, sight-singing, singing test, timing
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Parental Involvement
Parental Involvement in Piano Lessons The feelings and opinions of parents are obviously extremely important as it is generally they who pay for the piano lessons. Therefore it is vital to have a good relationship with them so that you … Continue reading
Tagged crotchet, first lesson, Italian terms, minim, parental involvement, perform, time signature, treble clef
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