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Tag Archives: merit
Theory Exams
Music Theory Examinations I spend little time on music theory in the early stages. Some teachers would argue that theory should be taught straight away but I don’t feel that this is the most effective use of a piano teacher’s … Continue reading
Tagged bass clef, distinction, exam period, grade 5 theory, learners, merit, music theory, pass, piano teacher, theory, theory exams
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After the Exam
Piano Examinations: After the Exam I am not usually at the examination centre when my pupil comes out of the exam room, so I have to wait until the next lesson to find out how he felt about the experience. … Continue reading
Tagged certificates, credits, crescendo, diminuendo, distinction, dynamics, exam candidates, exam complaints, exam failure, exam marking sheets, exam nerves, merit, music examiners, musical shaping, pass, QCF level, qualifications, rewards, rhythm, tempo, UCAs points
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Before the Exam
Piano Examinations: Before the Exam A few weeks before the big day, I give my pupil a ‘mock’ to prepare him for his piano exam (In some cases I will follow this with two or three more mock exam-based lessons). … Continue reading
Tagged aural, distinction, exam centre, exam marking system, exam nerves, examiner, fingering, merit, mistakes, mock piano exam, page-turner, pass, pieces, restarts, scales, sight-reading
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Making Entries
Piano Examinations: Making Entries If you plan to enter your pupils for examinations (something the majority of pupils, parents and teachers seem to want) – you need to decide which exam board to use. The main options are The Associated … Continue reading
Tagged A level, ABRSM, distinction, exam boards, exam date, exam entries, exam form, exam period, grade 1, merit, pass, piano exams, theory exams, UCAs points
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