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Tag Archives: hand position
Piano Examinations: Sight-Reading In order to teach sight-reading, it’s advisable to have plenty of suitably-challenging music available for your pupil to attempt to play. You may prefer to use sheet music or books which you already have in your collection … Continue reading
Tagged exam results, flats, hand position, middle C, mnemonic, separate hands, sharps, sight-reading, time signatures
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Teaching Yourself
Teaching Yourself to Play the Piano (Unlike the majority of this website, the following advice is aimed mainly at piano learners, rather than teachers). I could sum up this article in three words: “Don’t do it!” I suppose it’s pretty … Continue reading
Position and Posture
Pianists’ Hand Position and Posture Pupils who have watched others playing the piano may instinctively position themselves and their hands correctly straight away. However, most children I have taught (some adults as well) have no idea and they display many … Continue reading
Tagged hand position, position, posture, wrist action
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