It’s interesting to learn that the BBC is attempting to attract a younger audience to its Proms (The Henry Wood Promenade Concerts) held annually at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
This weekend, presenters and characters from the children’s television channel CBeebies will be joining the Royal Philharmonic orchestra to entertain youngsters with a lively combination of classical pieces and video action screened around the hall.
The event is aimed at very young children (between two and six years old). I can only hope that it’s more successful than a concert which we attended with my sons in Liverpool about eight years ago. This event was intended to inspire children to enjoy classical music and possibly take up an instrument. However, the music was too quiet, the atmosphere very flat and the presenter extremely patronising!
It may be too late to buy tickets for the CBeebies Prom (the event takes place today Saturday August 26 and tomorrow Sunday August 27) – although if you turn up on the day you may be able to purchase a £5 ‘Promming’ ticket. Alternatively, you can hear live broadcasts of the Proms on BBC Radio 3).